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作者:龙村 吴蓓 赵明霞 杨舒娅来源:中华医学会胸心血管外科学分会
点击:983次时间:2011-10-17 17:27:11
( 北京协和医学院 中国医学科学院 阜外心血管病医院体外循环科,北京 100037) 摘要:目的 了解近 8 年来中国体外循环的发展动态,对我国未来体外循环的发展提出预测和建议。 方法 2003~2010 年间,每年对全国开展心脏手术的医院进 行问卷调查,内容涉及:开展体外循环心脏手术( on-pump )和非体外循环心

 (北京协和医学院 中国医学科学院 阜外心血管病医院体外循环科,北京 100037)


摘要:目的 了解近8年来中国体外循环的发展动态,对我国未来体外循环的发展提出预测和建议。<b style="mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">方法  2003~2010年间,每年对全国开展心脏手术的医院进行问卷调查,内容涉及:开展体外循环心脏手术(on-pump)和非体外循环心脏手术(off-pump)例数,氧合器的使用情况,开展体外膜肺氧合(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ECMO)例数。收集整理调查资料,统计分析心脏手术与体外循环总例数、氧合器使用数量和开展ECMO医院及ECMO总例数的变化情况;计算各年度各类氧合器的使用的构成比;按手术例数对医院进行分级,计算不同级别医院的市场占有率。<b style="mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">结果 2010年全国心脏手术量为170,547例,其中体外循环为136,753例。2003~2010年,进口膜式氧合器的使用比例升高(43.22% vs 59.75%),鼓泡式氧合器比例显著降低(43.78% vs 14.59%)国产膜式氧合器使用比例也有所增加(13% vs 25.66%)2010年,开展ECMO的医院共44家,总例数206例,年手术量>1000例的医院32家,市场占有率为43%,手术量<50例的医院255家,市场占有率仅3%。<b style="mso-bidi-font-weight:normal">结论 中国体外循环近年来发展速度较快,膜式氧合器的使用率逐年上升,鼓泡式氧合器将逐渐淡出市场;未来需进一步集中体外循环医疗资源的利用。

    [关键词]  体外循环  心脏手术  体外膜式氧合


Analysis of domestic cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) status: eight-year development trends.

WU Bei, ZHAO Ming-xia1, YANG Shu-ya, LONG Cun,

Department of Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Chinese Acad Med Sci, Peking Union Med Coll, Fuwai HospCardiovasc Inst, Beijing 100037, China

Abstract  Objective To investigate the development trends of domestic cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB) in the past eight years.  Method Domestic hospitals that carry out cardiovascular sugeries were inquired with questionnaires annually upon the number of on-pump and off-pump cardiac operations, oxygenators of different types and extracorporeal membrane oxygenations. Classify all the hospitals according to the cardiac surgery amount. Analyze the market share of each grade and the composition of oxygenators. Results The sum amount of cardiac operations and CPB were 170,547 and 136,753 respectively in 2010. In 2010, the composition of imported membrane oxygenator climbed up to 59.75% from 43.22% in 2003, while bubble oxygenator composition decreased from 43.78% to 14.59%. 44 hospitals carried out ECMO in 2010 and the sum number of ECMO was 206. The market share of hospitals(32), with cardiac surgery number over 1000 per year, was 43%. Conclusions  CPB in China has went through a rapid development in the past eight years. Medical resources of CPB should be concentrated and normal and systematic train regulations should be established in the future.

[Key words]  Cardiopulmonary bypass  Cardiac operation  Extracorporeal membrane

